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From our Family to Yours
Hi everyone, I’m Tash, the mummy behind Soxsies, there’s also daddy soxsies Renz, Steve the cat and we’ve been super lucky to have had three awesome boys, Freddie and Jaxon at home and their brother Baby Bowie Soxsies who’s now living amongst the stars.
We all know the faff of baby socks! In our house we’ve had socks that don’t fit, no socks and cold toes, mini booties, sock gadgets, and everything in between! The leggings with feet are a fav of ours, especially if you don’t want another day in a onesie but there’s still no flexibility…
We’ve always loved integrated mitts in our house, so why not integrated socks?
Proud to Support families
of Baby Loss
After Bowie passed away we were fortunate enough to be offered a lot of amazing support from our local hospital. Soxsies became a passion project to help me cope with my grief and so it’s really important to us that we also use our small business to give back; help to raise awareness of baby loss, break the taboo and also directly give back to support those that supported us.
In committing to that, £1 from every pair of Soxsies purchased will be donated to the Bereavement Fund at The Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust.
For those of you wanting to find out more about the support available or any further information, I’ve linked in Sands, an amazing charity; just tap the button below.

Soxsies' Mission
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